
The Genome Center for Alzheimer’s Disease (GCAD) is funded under the NIA cooperative agreement (U54 AG052427) to identify genetic variants that cause, influence risk, or protect against this disorder, and to identify the underlying genes affected by these variants.

Information about ADSP study data could be found at the NIAGADS Data Sharing Service website: https://dss.niagads.org/datasets/ng00067/.

GCAD Mission

The role of the Genome Center for Alzheimer’s Disease (GCAD) is to coordinate the integration and meta-analysis of all available Alzheimer’s disease (AD) relevant genetic data with the goal of identifying AD risk/causative/protective genetic variants and eventual therapeutic targets.

To this end, GCAD will:

  • Assemble and harmonize whole-genome (WGS)/whole-exome (WES) sequencing data.
  • Build ADRD specific reference panels from GCAD WGS data for GWAS imputation.
  • Call structural variants from sequencing data (insertions, deletions, copy number variations) following best practices.
  • Support of Functional Genomics and Cognitive Systems Analysis of Alzheimer’s Disease Genetic and Phenotype data projects.
  • Facilitate analysis of GCAD genetic and functional data collection.
  • Identify candidate therapeutic targets by combining and reviewing analysis results by GCAD and other ADSP/non-ADSP projects.

As mandated by NIA, the GCAD will broadly disseminate all results and derivative data [e.g. imputed genotypes, variant call format (VCF) files recalled using ADSP protocols, etc.]. All GCAD results and derivative data will be distributed to ADSP and other AD investigators, particularly those working on functional analysis of AD-associated genetic variants.


GCAD External Advisory Board Core A Core B Core C Administrative Core Data Management, Harmonization, and Data Transfer Core Quality Control (QC)/Quality Assurance (QA) and Statistical Analysis Core